Metronet Fiber Internet Solution
Why Choose Metronet’s 100% Fiber Internet?
With Metronet internet, you’ll see the difference that a 100% fiber network makes! But how exactly does fiber work? To put it simply, the network functions by sending beams of light containing your data over a unique network made up of tiny strands of glass. With this kind of technology, not only will you see increased bandwidth, but also you will be able to access even more data that is delivered to you at blazing-fast rates.
Benefits of Metronet Fiber Internet
With other internet providers, you might see a dip in the quality of your internet experience at times of high volume when so many others are also online. This is because the bandwidth is being clogged with everyone nearby using their internet at the same time. With 100% fiber internet from Metronet, increased amounts of data can flow through your line directly to your home, giving you much more bandwidth than cable or DSL technology and faster speeds that deliver your information without slowdowns or buffering.

Say Goodbye To Long-Term Contracts
Also unlike other internet service providers, Metronet doesn’t require customers to sign up for long-term contracts that lock you in for 12 months. With no commitments to worry about, you can adjust your services as needed or cancel at any time. We even include your equipment – a wireless modem/router combo – in the cost of your service, so there are no monthly rental fees to consider.
Metronet’s WholeHome WiFi
Though fiber is one of the fastest home-internet technologies available, it can still be hard for your equipment to reach certain dead zones in your home. With WholeHome WiFi from Metronet, there’s now a solution to this problem. For a low cost, our WholeHome WiFi device can be added to any internet package to extend your internet connection throughout your entire home, even in the most hard-to-reach corners and rooms.